and Kevin G. Murphy & Associates
If you’ve lost teeth over the years, you likely know about dentures. These prosthetics are pretty good at filling the gaps in your grin. That said, they still leave a lot to be desired. Luckily, there’s a more secure option you might try – high-quality implant dentures! This treatment from Baltimore Dental Arts would restore your whole smile at once. Better yet, we perform it entirely in-office to ensure good results. If you’d like to learn more, continue reading or book a consultation today!
Per its name, an implant denture is one that uses dental implants. Said implants act as artificial tooth roots that fuse with the jawbone. As such, a denture paired with them will remain secure. You'll then receive a full grin that's pretty, comfy, and lifelike.
All that said, implant dentures aren’t all perfectly alike. Your dentist will recommend one of two types during the consultation. In particular, these are:
Fixed implant dentures are permanently attached to their implants. Given this fact, you’d need a qualified dentist to remove them safely.
Normally, a fixed implant denture relies on four to six implants. These posts are enough to support a full dental prosthetic strongly. This denture’s permanence also means you can clean it like natural teeth. (You just need to brush it twice daily and floss it once daily.) However, do note that a fixed implant denture requires high jawbone density.
As you’d expect, removable implant dentures can be removed as needed. They only “snap on” to nearby implants with clips or ball sockets.
Due to their setup, removable implant dentures aren’t invasive. They’re thus well-suited for patients with lower jawbone density – they only need two to five implants. In exchange, though, you’d need to take them out of your mouth for cleanings.
If implant dentures suit you, our office will draft a custom treatment plan. This blueprint will outline your care’s vital details, including any needed preliminary work. Therefore, our dentists will follow it to provide the best treatment possible.
Once the consultation is over, implant denture treatment has three phases. The implant surgery is the first one, as it’ll place your implant posts. Phase two is a post-surgery recovery – a period where you’ll heal from the placement and get abutments. The last phase of treatment is when we’ll make your final denture, attaching it to your implants.
So long as you have decent health (physical and oral), most adults can qualify for implant dentures. The only real requirement is that you lack (or need to replace) all your teeth. Of course, some patients benefit more from these dentures than others. The best candidates tend to have:
Naturally, implant dentures have perks that regular ones don’t. These include: